How can I tell if I have glaucoma?

Symptoms of glaucoma usually develop gradually and at first, vision may be normal. But as the disease progresses, peripheral or side vision may begin to fail. If left untreated, the field of vision may narrow and vision straight ahead may also be affected and result in permanent vision loss. The most common type of glaucoma is called open-angle glaucoma and while it cannot be cured, it usually can be controlled once it is diagnosed.

What are my treatment options for glaucoma?

Damaged optic nerves often lead to increased pressure in the eye. This pressure is due to a fluid buildup. Generally fluid drains through the eye’s trabecular meshwork, but when extra fluid is present and the drainage system is inadequate, eye pressure builds. Many glaucoma treatments aim to reduce this pressure.

  •  -Prescription eye drops are most often the first approach to decreasing eye pressure by improving fluid drainage in the eye.
  • -Oral medications, generally a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, are sometimes paired with prescription eye drops.
  • -Laser surgery is a procedure used to open the clogged channels of the trabecular meshwork.
  • -Traditional surgery or trabeculectomy is also an option for patients whose eye pressure cannot be controlled with medication or laser surgery.

Damage caused by glaucoma before it is detected is irreversible. Be sure your optometrist and ophthalmologist work together on a full-circle management solution for glaucoma.

Harman Eye Center provides comprehensive eye care from eye exams to cataract surgery at our Surgery Center. Make an appointment to see us.

Call 434.337.3274 today.

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David M. Harman


David M. Harman, M.D. is the founder of Harman Eye Center and Medical Director of Harman Eye Surgery Center.

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